Fees 2024/2025
Schools are charged by HISP Appropriate Body per ECT per year of induction. The charge is non-refundable should the ECT withdraw from their induction programme or if they move schools. Payment is invoiced in the term following the start of induction.
*Please note fees will be reviewed on an academic year basis and are subject to change.
Full Induction Programme
The FIP is a fully funded programme and is provider led. HISP Teaching School will deliver this for you. The programme does not require an ECF Fidelity Check. The total charge is £185 per ECT per year of induction.
This service will provide schools with:
Full access to the HISP TSH AB services
AB registration of ECTs on the TRA system
Regular checks of monitoring reports and formal assessment points at the end of Year 1 and Year 2 of induction
Additional support of ECTs not meeting Teachers’ Standards
Core Induction Programme
The CIP is a school led ECF induction programme. Schools deliver their own training using the DfE accredited materials and resources. HISP Teaching School Hub works with Education Development Trust (EDT) and would recommend these materials. The CIP requires a fidelity check and is charged at £525 per school and then each ECT is charged at £185 per year of induction.
This service will provide schools with:
A pre-induction fidelity check by the AB a term before the induction period starts to ensure the materials and sessions are in line with the statutory guidance for induction and meet the ECF induction programme standards.
Three further fidelity checks during the two-year induction programme to quality assure the ECF core induction programme.
AB registration of ECTs on the TRA system.
Ensure ECTS are fairly and regularly assessed through collection of monitoring reports and formal assessment points at the end of both years of induction and interim points.
Additional support of ECTs not meeting the Teachers’ Standards.
School Led Programme
The SIP is a school designed programme and schools are responsible for designing, sequencing and delivering their own two-year induction programme for ECTs based on the ECF. The SIP requires a fidelity check and is charged at £1050 per school and then each ECT is charged at £185 per year of induction.
This service will provide schools with:
A pre-induction fidelity check will quality assure how ECTs and mentors will receive two years of training and mentoring to support every ECF ‘Learn that’ and ‘Learn how to’ statement in sufficient depth and breadth, and with robust evidence-based materials for how the framework has been translated into an ECF-based training programme.
Three further fidelity checks during the two-year induction programme to quality assure the ECF school led programme. These checks will involve school visits to ensure the programme breakdown, materials and sessions are in line with the statutory guidance for induction and has fidelity to the ECF.
AB to register the ECT on the TRA system
Ensure ECTS are fairly and regularly assessed through collection of monitoring reports and formal assessment points at the end of both years of induction and interim points.
Additional observations/quality assurance of the ECF core induction programme throughout the two years
The AB will use desk top reviews, training observations and interviews with ECTs, mentors and professional leads across the two years to ensure that the school-based programme doesn’t diverge from the ECF
For more information, please download our breakdown of the different induction programmes schools can choose from via this link.